CakePHP Auth Site Tutorial

Basic Information

CakePHP version: 2.1.4
Platform: XAMPP, Windows
Source Code:


  1. Step 1:
    Download the initial code using this link
  2. Step 2:
    Set up the database and database.php accordingly
  3. Step 3:
    Inside AppController.php, add the beforeFilter() method
    1. Step 3.1:
      This method is run every time before running the action of a controller

      // whenever someone tries to access these actions, 
      // right before Filter Callback is called beforehand,
      // this allows us to do any pre-configuration or send values to the view, etc..
      public function beforeFilter() {
       // This is for non-login actions
       $this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
    2. Step 3.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  4. Step 4:
    In UsersController.php, add login and logout functions.
    1. Step 4.1:
      The login method

      public function login() {
       // check the request type to see if it's a post request
       // if it is, that means someone is trying to login and submit the form 
       if ($this->request->is('post')){
        // so log the user in
        if ($this->Auth->login()){
         //redirect the user
        } else {
         $this->Session->setFlash('Your username/password combination was incorrect');
    2. Step 4.2:
      The logout method

      public function logout() {
    3. Step 4.3:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  5. Step 5:
    Add the login page
    1. Step 5.1:
      In app/View/Users, create login.ctp

       echo $this->Form->create();
       echo $this->Form->input('username');
       echo $this->Form->input('password');
       echo $this->Form->end('Login');
    2. Step 5.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  6. Step 6:
    Add password and confirm password fields in Users/add.ctp
    1. Step 6.1:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link

      echo $this->Form->input('password');
      echo $this->Form->input('password_confirmation', array('type' => 'password'));
  7. Step 7:
    Add validation rules for password and password confirm fields
    1. Step 7.1:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link

        'Not empty'=>array(
         'message'=>'Please enter your password'
        'Not empty'=>array(
         'message'=>'Please confirm your password'
  8. Step 8:
    Add validation method for password and password_confirmation.
    1. Step 8.1:

      class User extends AppModel {
       public $validate = array(
         'Not empty'=>array(
          'message'=>'Please enter your password'
         'Match passwords'=>array(
          'message'=>'Your passwords do not match'
       public function matchPasswords($data) {
        // compare password and password_confirmation
        if ($data['password'] == $this->data['User']['password_confirmation']){
         return true;
        // also invalidate the password_confimration field
        $this->invalidate('password_confirmation', 'Your passwords do not match');
        return false;
    2. Step 8.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  9. Step 9:
    Add beforeSave() method to encrypt the password.
    1. Step 9.1:
      Inside Model/User.php, add a new method:

      public function beforeSave($options = Array()) {
       // encrypt the password before savig user info
       if (isset($this->data['User']['password'])){
        $this->data['User']['password'] = AuthComponent::password($this->data['User']['password']);
       return true;
    2. Step 9.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  10. Step 10:
    Add login/logout links
    1. Step 10.1:
      Inside beforeFilter() of Controller/AppController.php

      public function beforeFilter() {
        // This is for non-login actions
        $this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
        $this->set('logged_in', $this->Auth->loggedIn());
        $this->set('current_user', $this->Auth->user());
    2. Step 10.2:
      Add the links in View/Layouts/default.ctp

      <div style="text-align: right">
       <?php if ($logged_in): ?>
        Welcome <?php echo $current_user['username']; ?>.
        <?php echo $this->Html->link('Logout', array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'logout')); ?>
       <?php else: ?>
        <?php echo $this->Html->link('Login', array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'login')); ?>
       <?php endif; ?>
    3. Step 10.3:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  11. Step 11:
    Stop user edit/delete other user's’ information
    1. Step 11.1:
      Inside Controller/UsersController/php. add this new method:

      public function isAuthorized($user){
       if (in_array($this->action, array('edit', 'delete'))) {
        if ($user['id'] != $this->request->params['pass'][0]) {
         return false;
       return true;
    2. Step 11.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  12. Step 12:
    Edit index page of User to hide function button the user has no access to
    1. Step 12.1:
      Inside View/Users/index.ctp, add the following code:

      <?php if ($current_user['id'] == $user['User']['id']): ?>
       <?php echo $this->Html->link('Edit', array('action' => 'edit', $user['User']['id'])); ?>
       <?php echo $this->Form->postLink('Delete', array('action' => 'delete', $user['User']['id']), array('confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete that user?')); ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    2. Step 12.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  13. Step 13:
    Edit view page of Users to hide function buttons the user doesn't have access to
    1. Step 13.1:
      Inside View/Users/view.ctp, add the following code:

      <?php if ($current_user['id'] == $user['User']['id']): ?>
       <li><?php echo $this->Html->link('Edit User', array('action' => 'edit', $user['User']['id'])); ?> </li>
       <li><?php echo $this->Form->postLink('Delete User', array('action' => 'delete', $user['User']['id']), array('confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete that user?')); ?> </li>
      <?php endif; ?>
    2. Step 13.2:
      For all the code edited, you can refer to this git diff: link
  14. Step 14:
    Add admin functionality.
    1. Step 14.1:
      Inside Controller/UsersController.php, add the following code inside the isAuthorized method:

      // for admin
      if ($user['role'] == 'admin'){
       return true;
    2. Step 14.2:
      Inside View/Users/index.ctp, edit the respective condition:

      <?php if ($current_user['id'] == $user['User']['id'] || $current_user['role'] == 'admin'): ?>
    3. Step 14.3:
      Inside View/Users/view.ctp, edit the respective condition:

      <?php if ($current_user['id'] == $user['User']['id'] || $current_user['role'] == 'admin'): ?>
CakePHP Auth Site Tutorial CakePHP Auth Site Tutorial Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 11:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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