Lyrics Downloader (Part 2) Lyrics Downloader (Part 2) Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 2:39:00 AM Rating: 5

Lyrics Downloader

11:04:00 AM
Here is a Python script I just wrote to download lyrics from To run this script, you only need Python 2.7+ and install th...Read More
Lyrics Downloader Lyrics Downloader Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 11:04:00 AM Rating: 5


9:08:00 PM
Since my company has a lot of machine models which run different versions of our software. In my department, we use Senrena's PVCS Versi...Read More
PVCS vs. PCLI PVCS vs. PCLI Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 9:08:00 PM Rating: 5
Microsoft WeSpeakCode Campaign (Extract from PCM Magazine) Microsoft WeSpeakCode Campaign (Extract from PCM Magazine) Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 8:30:00 PM Rating: 5
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