ASM Annual Dinner 2014

I'm sorry I've been missing for so long, I really wanted to write some stuff but my health condition didn't allow me to do so. So here I'm catching up again. At the end of January was the annual dinner of my company. It is a major event of our company and I am so happy I could be a part of this. To begin this story, we have to go back a couple months.

First of all, I joined the "ASM Imitation King Contest", which basically you just needed to imitate someone and sang a song. To expand my internship experience, and the $500 coupon for participation, I made my debut performance as a solo singer and a guitar player, with a Green Day's classic, Basket Case. Here's an GIF as evidence to show you how awesome I was:

Quoting my former guitar tutor Sami Salo: I've never seen a guy playing guitar in a lab coat before.

On the other hand, I was also on board with the Opening Performance Committee and I got to meet people from different departments. The whole performance was divided into 3 parts:

For the first part, Tommy, Katie, and Katherine danced to a Canton-pop oldie, thus explained the outfits.

Angus, Clement and I were in the second part, where we had to dance to a song by some Korean Pop boy-band. Until now, I still quite couldn't figure out how the song goes and what it's about. I guess I'm old now. 
Just to be clear, I was 100% sober.


The last part was a LED dance performance to some house music. 

That performance was a total success! 

Last but not least, the performance:

Thanks to my very serious shortsightedness, I couldn't see anything on stage. And thanks to the sunglasses I was wearing, I felt like I was dancing to a black wall the whole time. So I was really throwing myself out there. Enjoy!

At the end of the Dinner, we stayed behind and snapped some pics.

Mr. Lee Kwong Kin, the head of the HR Department, was wearing the jacket I helped design for the Oxfam Trailwalker event.

 It couldn't have happened without the help from my fellow friends, particularly Simon Bach Bjerring.

Katie, Chan Lam, Domonic, Angus, Clement, me and Tommy


ASM Annual Dinner 2014 ASM Annual Dinner 2014 Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 3:29:00 AM Rating: 5

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