MFC Quick Start Guide (Part 1): Create a simple dialog

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+n to create a new project 
  3. Choose Visual C++ → MFC Application

    Fig. 1.1: Create a project)

  4. Give your project and solution  a name in the Name field and the Solution name field

    (Fig. 1.2: Names)

  5. When the dialog in Fig. 1.3 shows up , choose Application Type
    • Choose Dialog bases
    •  Choose MFC standard
    • Check Use MFC in a shared DLL
      (Fig. 1.3: Application Type)

  6.  Choose User Interface Features and uncheck everything

    (Fig. 1.4: User Interface Features)

  7. Choose Advanced Features and uncheck everything
  8. Click finish and a window similar to Fig. 1.6 should pop up.
    (Fig 1.6: Window)

  9. Press Ctrl+shift+B to build the solution
    (Fig. 1.7: Dialog)
MFC Quick Start Guide (Part 1): Create a simple dialog MFC Quick Start Guide (Part 1): Create a simple dialog Reviewed by Kevin Lai on 2:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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