Best Christmas Eve Ever!
The Christmas Eve had been a busy day for me. But it really was the best one I had ever had so far.
(I lost my voice and couldn't talk so this blag would be a very long piece, sorry!)
I woke up at 9am this morning, and decided to spend some time on the Assassin Creed game. I finally unplugged at 11am and went back to CUHK, cause I had to return a book which had been due for weeks! When I was taking the MTR and 9GAGing like usual, I found out my mobile data usage had already exceeded the limit by 20Mb! I panicked and quickly switched it off. So I was disconnected from the internet and had to wait until tomorrow for the my data usage to reset. Great, this Christmas was gonna be so awesome. After I had returned the book, I headed to Morningside's to find Stepan for my guitar. When he finally answered my call and shown up a couple minutes later, he looked a bit groggy, apparently just woke up. He brought me to his dorm room and met his roommate Nathan, an awesome Taiwanese guy. Then we spent some bro-time chatting about this and that. He said he was gonna have a shower and hit the gym. That just ticked me off cause I hadn't worked out for like a year (PE lessons didn't count, I didn't even break a sweat in any of those). I used to go to the gym in my housing estate cause Mom dragged me there. I was really bored of looking at the same view and doing the same stuff time after time after time, the only thing that got me through was listening to music. After a while my family started to run along the cycling path nearby, which could lead us to LOHAS Park, I was excited at first but then I found the road was too long (for me). Sometimes I would stand beside the LOHAS Park Station, starting to think about how far I had run to be here, which was how far I had to run to go back home, and eventually walk home full of regret. So I just had to admit I was lazy. My parents had joined the marathon next year and they almost dragged me into it, I spent a lot of time wearing them down to leave me alone. My brother Jason was gonna be a part of it but he got his DSE to go. The fact that he was the the chairman of the Orienteering Club in high school determined I was the laziest in my family and my will power was soft as pudding. I told Stepan that and he asked me if I did any sports, so I challenged him to badminton and bowling. And challenge accepted! We said good bye at around 12:15pm, cause Stepan had to start working and packing his stuff (He had to go back to Russia on the next day) and I had to hit the next stop. See you next semester, Stepan!
We got outta TKO Plaza at six and met Yoyo again in the mall. It was still early so we went to Hang Hau and wandered around. Yoyo brought us to Hang Hau Community Hall to see what we could do. On our way, we passed through a park and found this cute board teaching us photosynthesis. So kids wouldn't think photosynthesis had anything to do with photography anymore!
And of course, we stayed a while to have some fun! We played Tic Tac Toe there, but not the original one. We didn't choose sides (circle and cross) but we still spun the the collar by turns. The one who got a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row won the game. And I won!
We finally made it to the community hall. We found an arena inside where people played badminton and basketball there. We found a corner with electric sockets and by coincidence, we had chosen an sarcastic area!
In no time we claimed we had brain damage and sat down. Instead of doing b-ball or b-minton, we sat by the courts and pulled out our laptops, again! I was wearing a sports jacket but that didn't mean I had to be sporty (But I was shameless, that's for sure).
At 7:30pm, Clifford called and said he was coming out. So Yoyo went out to pick him up and visited his friends in the hospital nearby briefly (he is gonna be a doctor). And then we played more PES2013. When the four of us finally left, I found a place where we could check out our blood pleasure and BMI.
After I was done, we headed towards McDonald's to have dinner, as somebody would join us to have karaoke party later!
I ordered a set of Big Mac and a Sausage Muffin with Eggs like usual. And someone ordered Rice Fun Wrap AGAIN, and it was Yoyo Wong!
(I lost my voice and couldn't talk so this blag would be a very long piece, sorry!)
I woke up at 9am this morning, and decided to spend some time on the Assassin Creed game. I finally unplugged at 11am and went back to CUHK, cause I had to return a book which had been due for weeks! When I was taking the MTR and 9GAGing like usual, I found out my mobile data usage had already exceeded the limit by 20Mb! I panicked and quickly switched it off. So I was disconnected from the internet and had to wait until tomorrow for the my data usage to reset. Great, this Christmas was gonna be so awesome. After I had returned the book, I headed to Morningside's to find Stepan for my guitar. When he finally answered my call and shown up a couple minutes later, he looked a bit groggy, apparently just woke up. He brought me to his dorm room and met his roommate Nathan, an awesome Taiwanese guy. Then we spent some bro-time chatting about this and that. He said he was gonna have a shower and hit the gym. That just ticked me off cause I hadn't worked out for like a year (PE lessons didn't count, I didn't even break a sweat in any of those). I used to go to the gym in my housing estate cause Mom dragged me there. I was really bored of looking at the same view and doing the same stuff time after time after time, the only thing that got me through was listening to music. After a while my family started to run along the cycling path nearby, which could lead us to LOHAS Park, I was excited at first but then I found the road was too long (for me). Sometimes I would stand beside the LOHAS Park Station, starting to think about how far I had run to be here, which was how far I had to run to go back home, and eventually walk home full of regret. So I just had to admit I was lazy. My parents had joined the marathon next year and they almost dragged me into it, I spent a lot of time wearing them down to leave me alone. My brother Jason was gonna be a part of it but he got his DSE to go. The fact that he was the the chairman of the Orienteering Club in high school determined I was the laziest in my family and my will power was soft as pudding. I told Stepan that and he asked me if I did any sports, so I challenged him to badminton and bowling. And challenge accepted! We said good bye at around 12:15pm, cause Stepan had to start working and packing his stuff (He had to go back to Russia on the next day) and I had to hit the next stop. See you next semester, Stepan!
Nathan took this pic in their dorm room. Stepan called me a fxxkin' gay ass.
So here is my response.
So I headed back to Po Lam carrying my big backpack, and my guitar. I hadn't seen it for a whole semester, man, I missed you so much and I forgot how heavy you were, apparently Stepan fed you well! When I arrived, I dropped by a stationary shop to buy some wrapping paper to wrap the gifts I got for Indy. It was already 2pm when I got back to Tseung Kwan O. I got a "commitment" at 2:30pm. Sam phoned me and said he was in Hang Hau taking the train to TKO so I decided to go back home and left my guitar there first, and used the wifi connection at home to check my Whatsapp. I shown up at TKO station again at exactly 2:30pm to meet Sam and another BFF, Yoyo. We went to the TKO Plaza (a housing estate and it got a shopping mall) to meet Chun Long (another BFF, he was living there). He brought us to its recreational center and commenced our bowling competition!
First thing first, you gotta register yourself for the competition.
Step 2, try to look confident to intimidate other players.
Final Step, swing the hell outta it! And try to get at least one point.
I snapped this weird pic when Yoyo was swinging it off.
The scoreboard determined we should stick back to Wii Bowling. We all suck at bowling.
At 3:45pm, Yoyo and I left for a moment. He had to tutor some kid in Tiu Keng Ling and I had to stopped by the post office to mail the gifts and post cards before it was closed. I got back at around 4:30pm and spent the next hour playing PES2013 with Sam and Chun Long.
Sam wanted me jotting down this to prove his complete victory over Chun Long's Manchester United.
That was the first time we did a selfie. Guess who was holding my phone?
We goofed around the park ignoring the kids around us.
It said "Designated Disabled Awaiting Area", ha!
In no time we claimed we had brain damage and sat down. Instead of doing b-ball or b-minton, we sat by the courts and pulled out our laptops, again! I was wearing a sports jacket but that didn't mean I had to be sporty (But I was shameless, that's for sure).
We were absolutely no hope!
At 7:30pm, Clifford called and said he was coming out. So Yoyo went out to pick him up and visited his friends in the hospital nearby briefly (he is gonna be a doctor). And then we played more PES2013. When the four of us finally left, I found a place where we could check out our blood pleasure and BMI.
So I did.
Let's see what we'd got here! Mm...maybe next time.
I ordered a set of Big Mac and a Sausage Muffin with Eggs like usual. And someone ordered Rice Fun Wrap AGAIN, and it was Yoyo Wong!
I didn't know what to say. And Yoyo's comment on his Rice Fun Wrap: Weird!
After dinner, we split and promised to meet again in Kwun Tong station at 9:45pm. Dad came to the TKO Station and grabbed my heavy backpack with my heavy laptop, charger and books inside (Thank you very much, Dad!). Sam went home to grab some stuff, when Clifford followed Yoyo to buy some movie tickets in Po Lam. I was the first to arrive so I got some time to look around Kwun Tong.
Kwun Tong was so beautiful!
Patrick finally shown up and the others arrived at ten. We reserved a room in Red Mr. at the 12am time slot and went to a game center in APM to kill some time.
That was our favorite game- Bishi Bashi.
Then we went around to check out other games. And Sam was totally killing this.
$2 was money well spent for Sam, totally!
Either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. Let's do this the old way. Go ahead punk, make my day.
Shit just got real!
We saw a dance machine like this. Looked very fun, but I didn't think I should embarrass myself in front of the others.
And around the corner we saw a Bishi Bashi 2.0!
See how much fun we were having!
And we beat the game, YAY!!!!
So we were eventually ready to go to Red Mr and met Master at the entrance. Lawrence was a member of our small clique. The reason we called him "Master" was because he was a heavy napper back in high school, but he still could know what was being taught. And on the other hand, he could always find his way through video games, which involved "cheat codes", "finding bugs in games" or "abandoning teammates when playing multiplayers" every time. He was skilled at a Chinese card game about the Three Kingdoms. With all these combined and he gained the nickname "Master"!
We got our room at 12:30am, and the party started! We spent 5 minutes to set up our playlist when Sam was hooking up his laptop, you would know why. We had songs from Eason Chan, Alan Tam, Hacken Lee, Jay Chau, Jacky Cheung, George Lam and Leon Lai, and some foreign singers like Taylor Swift and Westlife. Master also put a lot of Beyond (a legendary Hong Kong band) songs in it. I actually didn't know many of the songs, but I guessed I could sing along (It was Cantopop for crying out loud!). So I also added a lot of songs they didn't know. Linkin Park was a must, it was my favorite band. And some Eminem, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Maroon 5, Selena Gomez and Mika would be great! I also saw Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball and We Can't Stop, and Ylvis' What Does the Fox Say? I was mind-blown and without doubt, I put them in the playlist. Yoyo piled on the craziness too by adding the China's national anthem!
We were finally all set and began the torture to our throats. None of us could sing, I meant it. So every single second inside the room was laughable. Our first song was Jacky Cheung's "愛是永恆" (Love is Eternal). Everyone knew how to sing it. So we had a good head start! Long story short, we ruined the song, literally destroyed the whole song! If you question how crazy it could be, I suggest you just take my words for it. you do not wanna know. I recorded some part of it though, but I'd better keep it for ourselves.
Now that's what I call "multitasking"!
When we were crazy singing (I still wonder if I can call what we were doing as "singing") and gaming, someone got inside the room and asked for our IDs, we were puzzled but we still took out our ID cards. After we proved we were in the clear, he told us someone ordered a punch here and we all didn't look like we were >= 18. That made us really happy. And then he talked us into ordering a set of cocktails.
Looked very festive!
I tried some of them but as I always said, they tasted like the medicine you could get from a clinic. But I quite liked the blue one though.
When the screen shown Mika's "We are Golden", I finally had a look at the music video. I liked this song very much, I even made an instrumental version using StageLight (a DAW which Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park helped develop, and it's amazing! I could go on and on but let's put a stop here first.) I was expecting a cartoon-like video like "Relax, Take it Easy", but it turned out I was completely wrong. It creeped me out, cause Mika was doing what I usually did in my room or in shower. The only difference were I would not wear his colorful cloths and he didn't play air guitar. It was like I was exposed (Oh I'm blushing...). It will never be the same when I listened to this song the next time.
Here is my instrumental version of "We are Golden", I consider myself still a beginner, so don't have high expectation, and I only used the plugins and instruments I got from StageLight. But Mika's biggest fan Indy said it was great. So I got that going for me which is nice:
There were so much more I wanted to write about, but my laziness suggested me just mention the most memorable one. When Alan Tam's "Friends" began to play, I already knew what would happen. The first line of the 2 verses were both "繁星流動" (All the stars were floating here and there), and everyone automatically changed it to "黎昇蠕動" (Kevin was squirming here and there)! 黎昇 has been my nickname since the day they first met me. It was catchy as hell, so I was speechless, but I really appreciated my nickname could fit in a song about friends!
(Alan Tam- Friends)
(Alan Tam- Friends)
We were told we could only stay there until 4am, but we ended up leaving at six. That was a really perfect night, not very festive, but I was surrounded by my BFFs. We said good bye and went home. Who knows when we would meet again?
Merry Christmas everyone!
Best Christmas Eve Ever!
Reviewed by Kevin Lai
8:29:00 AM

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